

Indeks Berita


Tag Terpopuler

membuat sitemap daftar isi tabulasi

| Desember 12, 2023 WIB
Premium By Raushan Design With Shroff Templates

 pasang script berikut diatas ]]


  // `"ltr": for “left to right” site

  // `"rtl": for “right to left” site

  "direction": "ltr",

  // `1`: ascending

  // `-1`: descending

  // `"function_name"`: custom

  "sort": 1,

  // `0`: will activate the first tab on load

  // `1`: will activate the second tab on load

  // `"Autumn"`: will activate a tab with label “Autumn”

  "active": 0,

  // `false` to put the widget right before the `<script>` tag or

  // `"#toc-container"` to put the widget in `<div id="toc-container"></div>`

  "container": false,

  // set to `false` to hide the date

  // `%Y%`: year

  // `%M%`: month

  // `%D%`: day

  // `%h%`: hour 12

  // `%m%`: minute

  // `%s%`: second

  // `%M~%`: month name

  // `%D~%`: day name

  // `%h~%`: hour 24

  // `%N%`: “AM” or “PM”

  "date": "%M~% %D%, %Y% %h%:%m% %N%",

  // set to `false` or `0` to hide the excerpt

  "excerpt": false,

  // set to `false` or `0` to hide the image

  "image": false,

  // the link target, set to `"_blank"` to open link in a new tab

  "target": false,

  // `0`: load immediatelly

  // `3000`: load after 3000 milliseconds

  // `true`: load after everything has finished loading

  "load": 0,

  // number of posts to be marked as the most recent posts

  "recent": 7,

  // list of label name to hide

  // example: `["Autumn", "Spring", "Winter"]`

  "hide": [],

  "text": {

    "title": "Table of Content",

    "loading": "Loading…",

    "months": [














    "days": [









    "recent": " <sup>New!</sup>"



pasang scrip berikut dalam html

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">

<script src="//;sort=1&amp;active=0&amp;container=false&amp;date=%25M~%25%20%25D%25%2C%20%25Y%25%20%25h%25%3A%25m%25%20%25N%25&amp;excerpt=false&amp;image=false&amp;target=false&amp;load=0&amp;recent=7&amp;text%5Btitle%5D=Table%20of%20Content&amp;text%5Bloading%5D=Loading%E2%80%A6&amp;text%5Bmonths%5D=%5B%22January%22%2C%22February%22%2C%22March%22%2C%22April%22%2C%22May%22%2C%22June%22%2C%22July%22%2C%22August%22%2C%22September%22%2C%22October%22%2C%22November%22%2C%22December%22%5D&amp;text%5Bdays%5D=%5B%22Sunday%22%2C%22Monday%22%2C%22Tuesday%22%2C%22Wednesday%22%2C%22Thursday%22%2C%22Friday%22%2C%22Saturday%22%5D&amp;text%5Brecent%5D=%20%3Csup%3ENew!%3C%2Fsup%3E"></script>

Jual Template Responsive